• Why Choose Me?

    Has your child been described as having “behavior challenges” or “behavior issues” by your school district? Is your student continually being disciplined for these behaviors? Are you at the end of your rope because you don’t see these behaviors at home and you’re unsure how to support your student at school?

    If you answered yes to any of the above questions, let me first say I GET IT! I have been down the same road and understand how challenging this situation can be for a parent. It is for that reason that I have decided to focus my Special Education Advocacy on students who would benefit from behavior supports. 

    While your school district may have reached out to you about your child’s “behavior challenges” or “behavior issues” the truth is we all display behaviors. In fact, you’re displaying behaviors right now. However, the behaviors your child is likely engaging in are maladaptive behaviors, which are behaviors that interfere with an individual’s activities of daily living or ability to adjust to and participate in particular settings. 

    What does that mean for your child? It means that if your child is exhibiting maladaptive behaviors in school, they are likely missing out on crucial academic instruction time. It also means that without an IEP (Individual Education Plan) and BIP (Behavior Intervention Plan), your child could potentially be punished (by way of detentions, suspensions, or even expulsion) for exhibiting these maladaptive behaviors, even if they are largely unable to control those behaviors in their current learning environment. 

    It is important to remember that ALL behaviors are a form of communication. Maladaptive behaviors are alerting us of an unmet need. For that reason, I would love to work with you in conjunction with your local education association (aka school district) to figure out why these maladaptive behaviors are occurring in school. That way, we can create an IEP and BIP that supports your child so they are able to access the academic learning environment in a way that is most beneficial for them. 

    Contact me today to set up a no-charge initial consultation (up to 30 minutes)!